02 June 2015

The Message of Peace

The Easter season is a reminder to us that the resurrection brings to us Peace of the risen Christ. Whenever Jesus appeared to his disciples he greeted them saying “Peace be with you” for he knew the heart of humans, and how troubled they are and till date they still are. In today's world we all seem to be running a race, however no one is clued in, as to where is the finish line, and that is perhaps why there seems to be no peace. From fast food to fast cars and even faster lives, we're always in the pursuit of something and most often than not we're searching for it on the outside. One very essential point to remember is that your life's journey is how much you travel within rather than how much you travel to and from. So how can we bring ourselves to peace, perhaps to begin with we can start of with the following steps:

* Pray. Meditate: Unlike our general perception of God being like a headmaster or principal, who is always waiting to lecture, scold or punish us. He is far from that, in fact he is more like a friend. We seemed to be caught in too much of activity based forms of prayer and fellowship, which is essential, but should not be our only form of connect with our maker. How often have we heard that hymn “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief’s to bear, what a privilege to carry everything to him in prayer. The only question remains is how often do we set aside time for this our friend?

* Forgive: We all know that that even after being crucified Jesus pleaded for forgiveness for his perpetrators, and that example should be more than sufficient for all of us in the most difficult of situations after all Jesus was just as much human as we are. And surely at some point in time we are going to be rubbed or we might rub a bad shoulder with another. The key then to healing would be forgiveness, for often the one who forgives sets their own hearts free.

* Love: A simple tenet that sums up everything that Christ is, it’s also his greatest commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you.” So think about it, Love is something that doesn't require things on the external, it is feeling and is in best effect when it’s genuine. And when you genuinely do, you will experience warmth that even a fireplace can't exude, Grace that is divine and an ease never felt before. Love is something that the more you give away, the more it comes back to you. 

To be at peace is to be in control of ones thoughts and emotions and that happens over time, therefore it is a constant endeavour which can come to being only when one takes small steps of change and that could begin with developing a relationship with your maker, Forgiving the ones who wrong you and by loving all. 

Peace be with you!