31 August 2020

Trusting God at all times

The people first welcomed Jesus and then in rage, drove him out. Do we behave similarly with God when things don't go our way? Our relationship with Jesus can go through conflict when He asks of us to trust him, cos the limits of our faith is tested. While we continue to praise God in good times, we ought to strengthen our faith and continue to trust him in the storms of life. Only then will we fully reach the full maturity that we are called in Christ and in doing so respond to his calling of trust.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to trust his ways as you emulate Jesus Christ his son in submitting to God's will. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding so as to help you build your faith at all times. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

30 August 2020

A true follower of Christ

Simple instructions for a clear definition of what it is to be a follower of Christ. Deny self, take up your own cross, and follow Jesus. And though it seems straight forward, it's difficult. Simply because we have come to our own understanding of life. But with God all things are possible and so is the renewing of our mind. Dwell and meditate on the word of God and so that it may become your way of life. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to dwell in his word, incarnate in Jesus Christ his son as you walk in the his way and truth. May his Holy Spirit guide you to God's will for your life. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

29 August 2020

The Voice of God

Have you ever heard the word of God, or read a scripture, or perhaps heard a sermon or read reflection and felt that it was a perfect fit to your situation. At times when the truth stares at us in the face it can make us feel uncomfortable yet we seem and will be drawn to it. That's conviction and it comes from God's Holy Spirit, speaking to us through his instruments. God has promised us his Holy Spirit to be with us till the end of age, if we then listen carefully to his voice we will make wiser decisions. 

I pray that God our father gives you the grace to always submit to his ways. May you always emulate Jesus Christ in being obedient to the will of God. And may you always listen to the promptings of his Holy Spirit through his various instruments that you encounter in your daily life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

28 August 2020

God's Way's

For what seems to be God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and what seems to be God's weakness is stronger than human strength.
1 Corinthians 1:25 GNBDK

Each new day brings its challenges of its own, but when we can't control a situation, we can surely control how we respond to it by God's grace, wisdom and strength. You may be going through a circumstance that perhaps is unique to you and nobody in this world may empathize. But God is aware of every single hair on your head and every breath you take, know that's God's ways aren't likes ours; it is through Christ that we have overcome the world and it is well with us. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to surrender to him in all humility allowing his power to take control in your weakness. May Jesus his son be a source of inspiration and hope to you. And may his Holy Spirit bless and encourage you at all times. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

27 August 2020

Called to be Prepared

"Be on your guard, then, because you do not know what day your Lord will come. If the owner of a house knew the time when the thief would come, you can be sure that he would stay awake and not let the thief break into his house. So then, you also must always be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him."
Matthew 24:42‭-‬44 GNBDK

None of us saw 2020 as a year to be locked in our homes. This pandemic showed us two things; how fragile our lives are and how recklessly we have been living our lives. When Jesus came two thousand years ago, all the prophecies were fulfilled. And Jesus himself has assured us of his second coming, but how prepared are we for him? Each new day is an opportunity to do so, let us then be aware, be conscious and live in his grace. For when he comes he will safeguard us as his people. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always be open to his word incarnate in the Jesus Christ his son. As you dwell in the word may you follow it's instructions as you prepare your heart and home for the Lord. And may his Holy Spirit bless all your endeavours. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

26 August 2020

Responding to Temptations

"How terrible for you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees! You hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look fine on the outside but are full of bones and decaying corpses on the inside. In the same way, on the outside you appear good to everybody, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and sins."
Matthew 23:27‭-‬28 GNBDK

It is often misunderstood that those that are religious are exempt from sin. But that is far from the truth, and Jesus makes it very clear that no matter how we show ourselves on the outside, it is what's on the inside that matters. We all are tempted at varying degrees, it is how we respond to it, that makes a difference. And while temptation in itself is not sin, giving into temptation surely is. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always respond to temptations just as Jesus did relying on the word of God. May you mediate upon his word day and night as you are lead by his Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

25 August 2020

Looking Within

Blind Pharisee! Clean what is inside the cup first, and then the outside will be clean too!
Matthew 23:26 GNBDK

We are so focused on our outward appearances that we have put aside matters of how we are on the inside. But Jesus makes it very clear, if we focus  on how we are inside, the outside will be taken care of. Think about it; you may have a habit, or an addiction or a vice, but where does it stem from? Is it only external to the action or is there something more deep rooted within? Jesus makes all things new, all you have to do is take that first step. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to honestly look within as you examine your conscience. May Jesus Christ his son renew your heart and mind making you a new creation.  And may his Holy Spirit help you discern your endeavours. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

24 August 2020

Come and See

*_“Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Nathanael asked. “Come and see,” answered Philip._*
John 1:46 GNBDK

Each one of us is called to a personal relationship with Christ. We may hear of many great stories and powerful testimonials, but the greatest experience we can have is when we accept the invitation to 'Come and See.' For in doing so we will personally encounter our Lord and that experience will shape the course of our life. It all begins with a simple conscious yes to the invitation.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to say yes to Jesus who stand at the door of your heart. May you let him into your life as you experience his goodness, grace and unconditional love. And may his Holy Spirit always lead you on. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

23 August 2020

Knowing History

And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it.  I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”
Matthew 16:18‭-‬19 GNBDK

History is important to us as we'd all want to know where we came from. And what Jesus did in today's Gospel is create a moment of history for each one of us, so that we know where we belong. Jesus's mission was to establish his kingdom, that was lost. He did so by picking twelve apostles to represent the twelve tribes. And From it He chose Peter and gave him authority just as the Lord Almighty did to Eliakim in Isaiah 22. It is important we know our history for with it we can make informed choices. What will you chose then? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to accept the truth that Jesus his son has put out for all. And thou it may seem a narrow gate may his Holy Spirit help and guide your path. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

22 August 2020

Called To Serve...

The greatest one among you must be your servant.
Matthew 23:11 GNBDK

As Christians we have our vision and mission clearly set out by Jesus himself; we are called to serve. And not just service for the sake of it, but just as a Christ himself did; out of love. It might seem all too daunting especially in today's times where we seldom even think beyond ourselves, but know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, for his grace is always sufficient. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to be of service in his vineyard as you emulate Jesus and be of service to those around you and may his Holy Spirit always lead you on. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

21 August 2020

Loving God and Neighbour

Jesus answered, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and the most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ The whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:37‭-‬40 GNBDK

We cannot claim to love God whilst we dislike our neighbour and we can't love our neighbour when we do not believe in God. Jesus makes it very clear to us; God is first and the most important place in your life should belong to him. Yet how many of us struggle with this teaching, we have come to make this world and temporary life a thing forever. Today things have become more valuable than people which is where the second commandment comes into picture. Each one of us is called to live a life that reflects the love of God. But if God isn't the number one in our life, how can we claim know him or share his love?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to put your priorities in place as you walk in the light and path of Jesus Christ his son. May you live each day with hope and love so that your life reflects God's glory. And may his Holy Spirit help you discern every step you take. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

20 August 2020

An Invitation to the Feast of the Kingdom

Then he called his servants and said to them, ‘My wedding feast is ready, but the people I invited did not deserve it. So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, good and bad alike; and the wedding hall was filled with people.  And Jesus concluded, “Many are invited, but few are chosen.”
Matthew 22:8‭, ‬10‭, ‬14 GNBDK

The invitation to accept God's love is open to all. It isn't limited to any social boundaries or for that matter even our sinful past. However, it is in the acceptance of the invitation that we are called to a willingly yes to God's love. We cannot have God and sin together, for sin bares us naked infront of God and at his feast we are all called to dress appropriately. Know that lips service renders no good, God looks at the disposition of our hearts, and that is how one is chosen. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to humbly come before him renouncing your old ways and willingly saying yes to his, just as Jesus Christ his son did. And may you be filled with his Holy Spirit as you walk the chosen path. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

19 August 2020

God's Generous Heart

“ ‘Listen, friend,’ the owner answered one of them, ‘I have not cheated you. After all, you agreed to do a day's work for one silver coin. Now take your pay and go home. I want to give this man who was hired last as much as I have given you. Don't I have the right to do as I wish with my own money? Or are you jealous because I am generous?’ ”
Matthew 20:13‭-‬15 GNBDK

Today's gospel gives us a stark difference in the nature of God and Man. While as human beings we first think of ourselves, God thinks of us. And come to think of it, we all have our own journeys and being unique from each other in happens at the annointed time. And if we find God's actions unfair, let us ask Him to give us his wisdom and understanding, so that we too can be generous in love.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his generosity as you willingly respond to his call and do your bit his vineyard just like Jesus did. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom knowledge and understanding. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

18 August 2020

God says I'm possible

Jesus looked straight at them and answered, “This is impossible for human beings, but for God everything is possible.”
Matthew 19:26 GNBDK

There are times where we might hit roadblocks or feel that we can't get through a certain hurdle. And this where we can see the power of God, for it is in our weakness that God shows his strength. If you are going through a situation that seems impossible, know that with God all things are possible.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to submit to him all your worries, tensions and anxieties. May you always be like Jesus, trusting in the Father and doing what you ought too. And may you always be lead by his Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

17 August 2020

The Disposition of our Faith

Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven; then come and follow me.” When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he was very rich.
Matthew 19:21‭-‬22 GNBDK

Our lives here on earth is only temporary, yet, we have come to put our trust in the tangible possessions we have here on earth. There are two things that Jesus does; He tells the rich man the secret to perfection and the second He doesn't enforce it, but leaves it to his choice. God has enabled each one of us too with our free will, what are the choices you are making this day?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to submit your will to his knowing that He knows what's best for you. May you be like Jesus always taking time out to connect to the Father. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom and understanding. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

16 August 2020

Persistent Faith

A Canaanite woman who lived in that region came to him. “Son of David!” she cried out. “Have mercy on me, sir! My daughter has a demon and is in a terrible condition.” So Jesus answered her, “You are a woman of great faith! What you want will be done for you.” And at that very moment her daughter was healed.
Matthew 15:22‭, ‬28 GNBDK

There is a lot that happens between the first cry of the Canonite woman and the healing of her daughter. This episode shows us God's love isn't limited by any social boundaries, it shows us how big a heart God has. And it also reveals to us that sometimes we ought to wrestle with God to get a yes from him through persistent prayer. Let's ponder on this and ask ourselves questions about our faith in God? Do we really know him, do we really approach him in full confidence? What is the size our faith? Can we be pertinent in our prayer till he actually blesses us?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to approach him in full confidence just as children reach out to their parents. May you emulate Jesus Christ his son as you fully believe in what God has planned for you. And may his Holy Spirit reveal to you the everyday miracles of life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

15 August 2020

Mary is Blessed

When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby moved within her. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and said in a loud voice, “You are the most blessed of all women, and blessed is the child you will bear!
Luke 1:41‭-‬42 GNBDK

The words that said Mary would be called blessed for all generations came from Elizabeth who was filled with the Holy Spirit. And therefore it is clear that God himself intended that Mary be known, venerated and be called Blessed, because she is the mother of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Have you honoured and loved Mary, know that you can never love her more than Jesus did. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his ways, may you be like Jesus loving and obedient. And may his Holy Spirit help you discern all your endeavours. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

14 August 2020

The importance of Marriage

Jesus answered, “Haven't you read the scripture that says that in the beginning the Creator made people male and female?  And God said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one.’  So they are no longer two, but one. No human being must separate, then, what God has joined together.”
Matthew 19:4‭-‬6 GNBDK

Two decades into the new millennium and we've witnessed changes at a rapid pace, off course all of these changes are in the name of development, but today as we can see for ourselves this has come at a very big price. Marriage is a God given institution and today more and more people are changing their opinion about this sacred sacrement, simply because it entails giving up oneself for the other. Know that the Word of God begins with the Marriage of Adam and Eve in Genesis and ends with the Marriage of Christ and his Bride the church in the book of Revelation. This is how important marriage is to God. How important is this sacrement to you then? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to respond to your vocation that He his has called you too. May you emulate Jesus Christ his son as you willingly as his call. And may his Holy Spirit give you the wisdom, understanding and discernment to journey through your calling. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

13 August 2020


So he called the servant in. ‘You worthless slave!’ he said. ‘I forgave you the whole amount you owed me, just because you asked me to. You should have had mercy on your fellow-servant, just as I had mercy on you.’ And Jesus concluded, “That is how my Father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.”
Matthew 18:32‭-‬33‭, ‬35 GNBDK

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that prisoner was you. Ponder closely on this quote and you will discover how true this is. Perhaps the person who hurt you in all probability is unaware, but it is you who are locked behind the bars of unforgiveness. So how do we forgive? Knowing that we've been forgiven for our sins too. Every time you struggle to forgive remember the last words of Jesus on the cross. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to forgive all those who have wronged you as you emulate his son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. And as you do so, may you soar into that freedom and peace that comes from God alone. And may his Holy Spirit help you discern those you need to forgive. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

12 August 2020

A call to community

“And I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them.”
Matthew 18:19‭-‬20 GNBDK

What a powerful revelation Jesus makes, 'for where two or three are gather, I am in their midst'. And this is the power of community prayer. Praying in faith and praying together as one body belonging to Christ himself.  How much time do we spend as a family or community in prayer, does going to church feel burdensome? We'll here's a revelation that will lighten that load. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always be open to his ways. May you emulate Jesus Christ his son in doing things that bring the Father all glory and praise. And may his Holy Spirit always lead you on. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

11 August 2020

A Call to Humility

So Jesus called a child, made him stand in front of them, and said, “I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. The greatest in the Kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child.
Matthew 18:2‭-‬4 GNBDK

The biggest obstruction to obedience is the lack of humility. As human beings we are motivated by our egos, which is  natural, but the virtue or vice by which we motivate are egos makes all the difference. Humility and Pride are opposites which one would we choose today?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to humbly submit to his will. May you emulate Jesus Christ his son in being obedient to God and may his Holy Spirit guide you through every step and breath you take. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

10 August 2020

Journeying Within

Those who love their own life will lose it; those who hate their own life in this world will keep it for life eternal.
John 12:25 GNBDK

Take a good look around you, everything in this life is focused on the outward. The trouble with that is we are focused on the temporary. God doesn't want us to hate our lives, he wants us to understand that our lives are very precious and we ought to be focusing inward to gain a conscious understanding of what lies ahead. When we do this willingly and without fear or repression; we will enjoy the fruits we bear. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to willingly journey within as you walk the narrow path to goodness shown to us by Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit help you discern every matter along the way. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

09 August 2020

Spending time with God

After sending the people away, he went up a hill by himself to pray. When evening came, Jesus was there alone.
Matthew 14:23 GNBDK

In between of feeding the five thousand and walking on water there is something that Jesus does that isn't paid attention too, because the miracles draws us in. This something is praying alone and spending time with God. We want God to work in our lives yet we don't want to spend time with him. We don't want to build a personal relationship with him. As long our needs are met through our intercessions we are good. But we ought to know that only when establish a personal relationship with God, will we able to walk on water and he will enable us to feed the multitudes. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to establish and build a relationship with him based on love and understanding, just like Jesus his son did. May you emulate Jesus as you spend time in prayer and solitude and may his Holy Spirit give you the words and guide you as you pray. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

08 August 2020

Increase your Faith

Jesus said to them, “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20 NRSV

Unseen, untouched yet it's presence is felt within, that is how we can identify faith. And that is the secret ingredient for all miracles. Have you ever read a Gospel passage in which Jesus says, 'I have made you well'? He always attributed it, to ones faith. However as human beings we are work in progress until we reach maturity in Christ, so there will be times where we struggle with faith, but we too can turn to God like the apostles saying to him; 'My Lord and my God, Increase my faith'

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his word incarnate in Jesus Christ his son. As you dwell in his word may your faith grow to see the every day miracles of life. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

07 August 2020

Jesus is Coming!!!

Will people gain anything if they win the whole world but lose their life? Of course not! There is nothing they can give to regain their life. For the Son of Man is about to come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will reward each one according to his deeds.
Matthew 16:26‭-‬27 GNBDK

In the times we live in, there are some who live their lives as if they will spend eternity here on earth. Think about it, can we even name all the members of the third and fourth generation that preceded us? The truth is Jesus is coming again, but this coming won't be in a stable, it will be that of authority. Are prepared to stand to before the King of Kings?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to prepare yourself as you renew your mind through his holy word. May you willingly each day take up your cross just like Jesus did and may His Holy Spirit help you in all your endeavours. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

06 August 2020

Be transformed in Christ

As they looked on, a change came over Jesus: his face was shining like the sun, and his clothes were dazzling white.  While he was talking, a shining cloud came over them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased — listen to him!”
Matthew 17:2‭, ‬5 GNBDK

Each one of us at some point encounter God personally in our lives. For some those moments are like the mountain highs and for some they are subtle and gentle. But through we must pay attention to the words of the Father, who tells the only way to please him is to listen to his son. Which leaves with questions Has our life really transformed after our encounter with Jesus? Do we know we've encountered God himself? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to transform your life as you dwell in his word incarnate in Jesus Christ his son.  May his Holy Spirit help you do all things pleasing to God. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

05 August 2020

Persisting in Faith

Jesus answered, “It isn't right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs.”  “That's true, sir,” she answered; “but even the dogs eat the leftovers that fall from their masters' table.”  So Jesus answered her, “You are a woman of great faith! What you want will be done for you.” And at that very moment her daughter was healed.
Matthew 15:26‭-‬28 GNBDK

Being an outsider the canonite woman shows what it is to persist in faith. But for many of us who are born into our faith, we tend to take matters of our faith for granted and have become lukewarm. Have you ever had a cups of lukewarm tea or coffee? Miracles are there for the taking, but we will only see them with our eyes of faith.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to persist in your faith as you walk in the path of the truth shown by Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit guard and guide you along the way. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

04 August 2020

Clean Within

Then Jesus called the crowd to him and said to them, “Listen and understand! It is not what goes into a person's mouth that makes him ritually unclean; rather, what comes out of it makes him unclean.”
Matthew 15:10‭-‬11 GNBDK

We are very particular when it comes to matters of hygiene, which is the need of the hour. But there is something we should regularly introspect and take account off, and that is our heart.  For from our very heart comes our desires and actions. We cannot sing a song of praise with hate in our hearts, remember God wasn't pleased with Cain's offering. Likewise with us too, our prayers and offerings will be accepted when made with humble and contrite heart. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to examine this day and every day your heart in accordance to his will. May you take time alone just like Jesus and build a solid relationship with your maker. And may his Holy Spirit bless all your endeavours. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

03 August 2020

Walking on Water

“Come!” answered Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he was afraid and started to sink down in the water. “Save me, Lord!” he cried.  At once Jesus reached out and grabbed hold of him and said, “How little faith you have! Why did you doubt?”
Matthew 14:29‭-‬31 GNBDK

As members of our faith, we all have the invitation to 'walk on water' but there are challenges. For some it is taking the first  step and for some others who have taken the first step the fear of drowning. The solution however, is to keep our focus on Jesus. Like Peter, we too tend to get distracted by the cares and worries of this world. Know that if God has bought you to it, he will see you through it. Keep the faith and focus on Jesus as you walk on water. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to solely focus on Jesus Christ his son our Lord and Saviour. As you put Jesus first may you experience the bliss of walking on water and may his Holy Spirit reveal to you the everyday miracles of life through your eyes of Faith. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

02 August 2020

Bring your Loaves and Fish

“All we have here are five loaves and two fish,” they replied. Jesus said “Then bring them here to me.” The number of men who ate was about 5,000, not counting the women and children.
Matthew 14:17‭-‬18‭, ‬21 GNBDK

There is this notion that carry that in order to make an impact we ought to be doing big things. But that's not the case in reality. Our smallest of offerings can be transformed by God into far greater things. So whether it is an act of kindness to help a needy neighbour or perhaps forgiving those who have wronged you. Or whatever the contribution you put as an offering know that God sees our hearts and transforms those offerings into bigger miracles, some of which we may witness, and some we might not.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart as you willingly bring him your loaves and fish to be transformed by Jesus his son who makes all things new. And may his Holy Spirit always nudge you to the God annointed path you ought to take. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

01 August 2020

Standing for the Truth

John's disciples came, carried away his body, and buried it; then they went and told Jesus.
Matthew 14:12 GNBDK

The episode of the beheading of John the Baptist brings to the fore our fragility of being human. John stood for the truth even though it meant death. While Herod made bad decisions simply to please the world. How often have we found ourselves in a situation like that of Herod, where we know the right thing to do, yet because of social and peer pressure we do what's pleasing to others only to fit in. The Good news however is; what's happened is happened and has gone by. We have the now to chnage, remember, when all is lost, we can do what the disciples of John did, turn to Jesus. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace and the courage to always stand for the truth just like Jesus his son. May you grow in wisdom, maturity and integrity guided by his Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)