20 November 2020

The Authority of Jesus

Jesus did everything with authority, because all authority in heaven and on earth has be given to him. As Christians we have been commissioned with this authority to go out and bear lasting fruits. Are we heeding to this authority or taking things for granted?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to be open to his word made flesh in Christ Jesus his son. May stand firm in your faith as you are led by his Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)


Be prepared

The sun rises each day to create a new day and sets to call the day. God has worked out every aspect of the world to perfection, he has put in place a time for everything. But time is something we don't know how much of it we have. Let us be prepared then in hearts minds and bodies, for we may not know the time, but surely we know the truth. The Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and Salvation is through him alone. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always be prepared to welcome his son Jesus Christ in your heart, home and life. And may his Holy Spirit always be by your side to guide and guard you. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

19 November 2020

Jesus is coming again...

Jesus is the King and Saviour for this world and he surely will come again; to find out what we have done with what he has given us

God our Father Thank you what you have bestowed upon me, may I always do that what you desire thus bringing you Glory, Honour, and Praise. May your Holy Spirit guides me through this my endeavour. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

18 November 2020

Jesus seeks the lost

Our attitude to life determines the way we live, one can shout out a lie, or stay humble with the truth. The world has only temporary things to offer and all of it lasts only while we are here. Jesus came to give us new life, and we can receive it only when we realise and lose the old one. Therefore as Christians let us be aware of our every thought, words and actions.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to be humble as his son Jesus. May you be a Christian in the truest sense as you are led by his Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

16 November 2020

Calling out to Jesus


At times we feel are prayers are in vain, but we are called to keep our faith steadfast just as the blind man of Jericho did. Nothing dettered his faith; not his circumstance, neither the discouraging people around. Can we then continue to pray unceasingly?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to remain in faithful prayer. May you always be inspired and draw strength from Jesus Christ his son. And may his Holy Spirit assist and give you the patience to persist in prayer. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

God in all things...

While it's the big actions that get noticed, we often overlook the small gestures. But God being creator knows it all, both big and small. Therefore let your smallest of actions give Glory to God.

God our Father, Thank you for all your teachings, through your son Jesus Christ. May I imbibe all the learnings through the smallest of my actions as I am assisted by your Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :) 

15 November 2020

Persisting in Prayer

The parable of the king and the widow shows us that persistence always pays off. Come to think of it how many times have we engaged in a sale, because the salesman keeps knocking. God cares about us much more than we can even imagine, therefore we ought to careful about what we ask for in prayer and always ask for his will to be done in our lives. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always persist in prayer as you seek to do his will just as Jesus his son did. And may his Holy Spirit assist you in your prayer. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

13 November 2020

Jesus is coming

The words of Jesus may seen quite daunting, but as people of faith, these words are words of wisdom as Jesus is preparing us if the inevitable. Someday He is coming again, nobody knows when, but he us coming. If we are living in the truth and light shown to us by him, we have nothing to fear for our heaven is already on earth. But if we haven't, then it's time we take stock of lives and ask God the grace to change. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always be ready for coming of his son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May his Holy Spirit teach you to always walk in his light and truth. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

11 November 2020

Be Thankful

There is always something to be grateful about, and when we approach things with the attitude of gratitude, it makes it better. Of the ten lepers only one - the foreigner came back to thank God and Jesus questioned 'we're not all ten healed, where are the other nine?' How grateful are we for the very gift of a new day? How grateful are we for else the Lord has blessed us with. Take time today to Thank God. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always have the attitude of gratitude. May your life actions be for the greater glory of God, just as Jesus did and may his Holy Spirit be with you in all your endeavours. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

10 November 2020

We are a Sanctuary

How precious are we to God that he not only made us, but made himself a place in us. This mystery might seem incomprehensible, but a deep look within ourselves should give us the answer. When we do something wrong, there seems to be a voice within that convicts us and tells us so, unless we have resigned to our own understanding of what is right and wrong.  The spirit of God that resides in each one of us is the font of living water that will nourish us and help us bear good fruit, if we yield to it. 

I pray that God our Father give you the grace to always submit to him. May you emulate his son Jesus always yielding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

09 November 2020

Be Prepared

Sooner or later there will come a time for sure where we are to encounter our maker. The question is how prepared are we? Are wise enough to carry extra oil in our flasks or are we content with how our lamps are burning. Every thought, word and action we do has a consequence to it, how wisely are you choosing yours? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to make wise choices as you prepare yourself through your journey here on earth. May you walk in the light and path show by Jesus his son and may his Holy Spirit teach you God's ways. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :) 

07 November 2020

God our provider

We are so often worried about the future that most times we forget to live for the present. God has given us given us a life for a purpose, not to worry about things. When we submit ourselves to his will, we will find no reason to worry.

I pray that God our Father gives you the understanding to the abundant life he has called you to in Christ Jesus his son. And may his Holy Spirit always lead you on.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

06 November 2020

Preparing for Eternity

While we may do all we can to secure our earthly life, which may be about a few decades. We barely take the effort to secure our future in eternity. Know that God has given us back free will, an intellect and a heart. If we use these God given gifts wisely we surely will able to secure our future in eternity. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to use all that he has blessed you for his kingdom thereby securing your future in eternity. May you emulate Jesus in being wise and just. And may his Holy Spirit always lead you. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

05 November 2020

Rejoicing in God's love

We cannot fathom the love God has for us. So precious are we that even if you were the only only person he ever created, He would have still send his son Jesus to save you. Do we realize our self worth through the eyes of God, or we stuck on measuring our networth based on our possessions. Let us take time today to focus on the relationship we have with God; and let us do all we can so that the heavens rejoice. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to acknowledge any shortcomings you have and offer them in union with Jesus Christ his son, our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit always be by your side. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

04 November 2020

Solely God's

God wants you to be his and his alone, for you were created by God for him and for all Eternity. However, as humans our focus is on the earthly life and we get attached to everything on earth. Know that if we want to spend our Eternity with God, we got to make him our priority here on earth.

I pray that God our Father takes away all distraction from your life, as you make Jesus your priority, accepting him as Lord and Saviour. May his  Holy Spirit teach God's ways. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

03 November 2020

Being Christ Like

We have been clearly given a way of life we ought to have. And this comes from Jesus himself, though he was God he never equated himself to God. As people walking in the light, we often feel privileged, but that doesn't give us the right to put down another. God makes the sunshine on Saint as well as the sinner.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to live in the humility of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And may his Holy Spirit always be by your side to assist you in all your endeavours. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

02 November 2020

We belong to God

We were made for God. Out of his love made us, out of his love he saved us. We were made to love him and be loved by him and serve to build his kingdom. This is the purpose of every soul that God has made. Each one is precious, and each one belongs to God. This is a truth that we all need to know and understand, as it will set us free.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to reach out to his people, with the hope that comes from Jesus Christ his Son, our Lord and Saviour. May you share his love that you received and may your every action be guided by his Holy Spirit. Amen

I pray for all the souls of your near and dears that have gone ahead to their rest. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and your light shine upon them, may their souls rest in peace. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)  

31 October 2020


A humble and a contrite heart is what the Lord accepts. And for this Jesus has set a precedent, as he humbly accepted and stayed up on the crosst untill he breathed his last. No matter the circumstance or situation we are in, we are called to be humble.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to live the gospel life. May Jesus Christ his son be your inspiration and source of strength. And may his Holy Spirit teach you God's ways. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :) 

30 October 2020

God is with us...

Each one of us has been purposed by God for his glory. But he has given us a fee will to choose him, and when we do so, we not only experience his goodness but also begin to see  it in our daily lives. God says he will be with us who love and acknowledge him, when we are in trouble, he will be with us. He will never leave us. Continue to be confident in God and his ways for your life will only find fruition in doing what you are purposed for. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always submit to him just as Jesus Christ his son did. May you glorify God's name through everything you do and may his Holy Spirit help you in all your endeavours. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :) 

28 October 2020

The power of prayer

There is power in prayer, and Jesus himself shows us this; in this case before he chose his apostles he spent a night in prayer. And how effective his choices have been; two thousands years later the Gospel is still being preached, Peter's chair continues to be occupied. Do we pray before we make our decisions? While God has given us the ability to make decisions, he has also given a mind and heart to submit to him through prayer. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always be steadfast in fervent prayer. May you always take time alone like Jesus to be one with your maker. And may his Holy Spirit teach you to prayer beyond words and from the heart. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

27 October 2020

The Kingdom of God

When we think of kingdom from earthly ways we think of it from tangible and material perspective. But God's ways are unlike ours and so it is with our understanding of his kingdom. The kingdom of God has to be set in our hearts, and when we allow it to take root and control our lives, we adhere to the Lord's Prayer when we say 'your kingdom come, your will be done' Today take time to see how has the kingdom of God is growing in our hearts

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to His ways. May you emulate Jesus in bringing about the kingdom of God to all those you encounter. And may his   Holy Spirit be always by your side. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

26 October 2020

The image of Love

The word of God tells us that we are made in the image and likeness of God and to him we are his children. We all want our children to be like us and so it is with God; He wants us to willingly choose him and the unconditional love he offers. When we do what God wants us to do, we will see it's impact in our own lives for we will be living what God has purposed for us. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to live the life life he has purposed for you. May you be like Jesus living your life pleasing God and in doing so be his instrument of love. And may his Holy Spirit Bless and keep you in good stead. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :) 

24 October 2020

Bearing Good Fruit

Our journey as Christians is not an ordinary one, we are called to bear fruit. And why is it necessary one may ask? The answer to that would is because Jesus Christ himself did paving a way for us all, and we claim to be his disciples then by all means we should and we must. God knows us much better than we could ever know ourselves. He sends us gardeners to tend to us; this could be through people or events in our lives, but it would all make sense, when we can see the hand of God in every aspect of our lives. 

I pray that God our Father give s you the grace to open your self up to the care hen entrusts you in through his people. May you always walk in the path shown by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. And may his Holy Spirit help you bear good fruit. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

23 October 2020

Listen to Jesus

What Jesus spoke then, was to the people of his time who saw him perform miracle after miracle and yet were hesitant to believe. But if we pay close attention we would hear Jesus speak to us too. How many times has the grace of God enriched our lives? How many times have we experienced an outpouring of his blessings? Having seen these signs do we truly believe in the plans and purpose God has for our lives or are we insistent on doing our own? Let us ponder as Jesus speaks to our hearts. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to see his hand in every aspect of your life. May you walk in the truth and light of Jesus his son. And may his Holy Spirit help you surrender your will to the Father. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

21 October 2020

How much are you given?

The call to apostleship might be limited, but the call to discipleship is for all of us Christians. But whether we're  apostles or disciples we have our destination and priority set and that is to do what God wants of us. Jesus makes it very clear that he is coming and when He comes He wants his apostles and disciples doing all that he has commanded, for those who dont they will be consequences. So what are we waiting for, apostle or disciple, if we havent it's time to be ready now. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always submit to his will, may you walk in the truth and light of Jesus Christ his son. And may his Holy Spirit always lead you to be alert and ready. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

20 October 2020

Being Ready

Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery, but today is gift, that's why we call it the present. God in his infinite wisdom and goodness gives us a new present every single day, and what we make of it is our gift to him. And the biggest gift we can give God is our conscience; by being aware of him, his ways and in living our life as he wills. Know that God will meet us in our present, not in the past or the future. Are we ready this day then to meet with God? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always be aware of his ways. May you be like Jesus submitting to his will and may his Holy Spirit bless and keep you in good stead. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

18 October 2020

Being what we are called to be

A good Christian is and should be an example of the best a human being can be and this can be done by being obedient to God's word. Know that as Christians we aren't above or under our state of domicile. We have our rights and responsibilities to adhere to. And while that's keeping religion aside, how we respond to everything around us, is a direct response to How much we love God and his ways.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always be rooted in his word incarnate in Jesus Christ his son. May you draw from his wisdom and works the inspiration for your life. And may his Holy Spirit always go before you. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

17 October 2020

Acknowledging God in his Truth

Worldover nations within themselves are divided on the basis of religion, which is contrary to the very nature of God. God is goodness and love, and how much it must pain him to see his people fighting in his name. While everyone seeks their own way, we ought to seek God's ways. It is only when we are beset with the truth can we truly acknowledge God in his goodness and love and yet accept those that have a different understanding of the very truth that sets us free. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always seek his ways. May you always testify to his goodness and love that you experience through his son Jesus Christ. And may his Holy Spirit always be by your side. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

16 October 2020

Fear of God

Many of us live our lives as if this world is our final destination, we forget that our journey here on earth is only temporary. And hence our actions digress from preparing us for eternity. Know that we were created for eternity and every step or breath we take is progress towards it. Therefore we must be aware of every little thing we do. Know that when we live our life in a God fearing way, we will walk the path of wisdom, inching closer to our heavenly home and fear is not our fear, but out love. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always be a God  fearing person. May Jesus be your source of strength and inspiration as you live each day. And may his Holy Spirit bless you wisdom and understanding. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

15 October 2020

God's Love

God's love is far too magnanimous for our comprehension for though He knew would fall yet from the very beginning He chose to love us and through his son keep us blameless and pure. How many of us would love someone knowing they would hurt us?  God doesn't enforce his love on us, it is left to us to choose or reject his love. What will you do today? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always choose him. May you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and may his Holy Spirit always go before you leading you along the way. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

14 October 2020

Bearing Fruit

Let's us take time today, to take stock and see if we are bearing good fruit; What does love mean to me? Am I a joyful and peaceful person? Am I patient or always anxious? Am I kind in my speech and are my actions good? Am I loyal in what I do? Am I gentle with others and myself? Do I discern my actions? Taking stock is always good, when something is less, we can always ask for more.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to look at yourself the way he does. May you humbly seek the Father's will just like Jesus Christ did. And my his Holy Spirit help you to bring to fruition Gods plan and purpose for your life. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

12 October 2020

Sign of Faith

Some strong words from Jesus to the people that listened to his message. He is very clear and isn't grey about anything. Perhaps pondering on this message should gives us an insight on our pursuit of God and the truth. Is it out of some gain for ourselves or some answered prayers that we need we pursue God. Or do we genuinely seek him, as him is all we need? Let us then not seek signs but in faith trust him who has created us for a purpose and given the us the very gift of faith and free will.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to surrender to his will. May you do everything to please the Father just as Jesus did. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with its fruits and gifts. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

11 October 2020

Are you Chosen?

The invitation to the Lord's Banquet is for everyone, yet it is the Lord who says that only few will be chosen. And the Gospel passage tells us to be clothed right, so, how do we clothe ourselves? The answer is in the Lord's prayer, 'not ours but they will be done'. When we allow God to have his way in our lives we clothe ourselves in the spirit and truth. And that is what sanctifies us making us his guests at the banquet. Know that every situation may not be easy or the same as someone else's. But you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always seek his will in all things you do. May Jesus Christ his son be your source of inspiration, strength and perseverance. And may his Holy Spirit help you see God's truth. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

10 October 2020

True Joy

Earthly things bring us happiness, but most of it is momentarily. And that is what Jesus is referring to in today's gospel. While it is not wrong to seek happiness, know that joy is lasting and doesn't need a reason. It is only through God's word that we will know of Joy, for through it we are in direct connect with our maker for whom we were created. It is through knowing God that our hearts find that what we're always looking for.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always dwell in his word, incarnate in Jesus Christ his son. May you inculcate his teachings in your life as you transform your mind. And may his Holy Spirit guide and guard your ways and heart. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

09 October 2020

Called to be Gatherers

It's so ironic that an economically power nation is fighting an election campaign in the name of religion. And each one is taking up sides about right and wrong and are so busy in judging and maligning the other the perhaps they seldom even get time to pray. The point that Jesus makes should prod us to question our every action; Are we gatherers or are we scatterers? Are we motivated by love or do we have a hidden agenda? Are we for building God's kingdom or we building our own? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to persist in love 
as you stay aware of the message of Jesus Christ. May you courageously walk in light and truth as becon of love and hope, led by his Holy Spirit. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

08 October 2020

Ask, Seek, Find

It is true that we can ask from God all that we need and want, but it is also true that God knows what's best for us and when. Come to think of it, if we got everything in an instant we wouldn't value it as much. And sometimes we wouldn't able to handle it. God is our creator, our father and wants the best for us just as we would want for our children, but would we give them everything they ask for? Ask you must, but ask just as the Lord taught us; for the Father's will to be done in our lives. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always ask for his will to be done in your life. May you always seek the truth in God's word incarnate in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit go before you to open the right doors. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

07 October 2020

Be Not Afraid

We might want tell the whole world of how devout and practicing are we of our faith. But take closer look at our actions, and many a times, we'll find ourselves in the position of Peter, where we act out fear of what others might say. Know that we are Christians after Christ, and he came bringing us the truth. Once you know this truth it will set you free, and they will be no need to act out fear of what others may think or say. Today not only say the Lord's prayer but try living in it word by word.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to accept the truth of his word incarnate in Jesus Christ his son. May his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom, courage and perseverance of seeking and living the truth. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

06 October 2020

Humble Learning

In the story of Martha and Mary the focus is often given to Martha as the Lord tells her not to worry. However, what Mary does is very important and that is why it is not taken from her. She sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. She was humble enough to know her place, whilst approaching God. Do we approach God in humility or is it because we know of him, our humility is put aside?  And how many readings, gospels and sermons have we heard but have we intently listened to what is being taught?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to journey this life in humility and gratitude. May you always listen and imbibe the good news of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit always go before you. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

05 October 2020

Called to Compassion and Kindness

And who is my neighbour? Is a question we might want to ask too? As Jesus concluded anyone we encounter in our day to day lives is our neighbour, and we ought to respond in compassion and kindness. But today in the diplomacy of our lives there might be a tendency to live rightly to the world, but the moment we are home it drops. Let the charity of our hearts begin at our home and in doing so, may we go out to the world making it a fuller and richer place of compassion, kindness and love. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to respond to all those around you in compassion and kindness, just as the father loves you. May you share the peace and hope that Jesus Christ gives you to those you encounter in your life. And may his Holy Spirit fill you with wisdom and courage to live the gospel life. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

04 October 2020

Inspiration for the day

Today's Daily Inspiration quote is by St. Francis of Assisi.

Stay Blessed! Stay Inspired!

Don't Worry, Be Happy!!!

We worry so much in life as if worry is the only thing we have. As you rest today, take a jog down memory lane to some of your most difficult situations in the past and how that passed away while you thought otherwise. Know that God is control of everything, we just have to learn each day to trust him more. And as we do that our hearts will be filled with a peace that comes from our creator. Therefore Don't worry, be happy, God cares about you.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always depend on him no matter the circumstances or situation you are in, may you always give him thanks and praise just as Jesus his son did. And may his Holy Spirit bless and keep you in God stead. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

03 October 2020

Power and Responsibility

'With great powers come great responsibilities', we might have hear this a million times, but there is so much truth in it. And Jesus reminds of this in today's gospel. 'Don't be glad the spirits obey you be glad your name is in heaven.' We can feel all invincible when in a place and position of power, but we ought to remember that pride leads before a fall. Let everything we do; be out of love, for our destination is heaven with our creator who is Love himself. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to do everything you do with the love. May you be you become more like Jesus with each passing day as you dwell in his Holy word. And may his Holy Spirit work through you with his fruits and gifts. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

02 October 2020

Called to be Childlike

What is it about little children that God wants us to be like them? Take a closer look at a child today; a child is pure, innocent and always accepting, a child doesn't judge and is always trusting the one who's care the child has been placed in. If you told a child there are angels watching over you, a child will simply believe. But we as adults will try to rationalize and find evidence even in matters of faith. How will God meet us then, if we're always insisting on doing our own thing? Each one of us has a guardian angel, can we reach out in prayer asking for us to become childlike!

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to be open to his ways. May Jesus Christ his son be your source of inspiration and hope and may his Holy Spirit put charge of your guardian angels to protect and guide you at all times. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

30 September 2020

Putting God First

Three different scenarios are presented in today's gospel to which Jesus replies accordingly. However, the core context is to always put God first, irrespective of our personal circumstance. God is more interested in our character rather than comfort which is why Jesus says he doesn't have a place to lie down, how much are we willingly to trust his providence? And so it is with those that have gone before us, Jesus knows the pain of death for he wept for Lazarus, but he wants us to know that he has conquered death itself and we have the hope of resurrection. The same with our past; it is where it rightfully belongs in the past. Once we embrace the new life in Christ, we cannot keep looking back. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always trust his ways as you out him first. May all you do, be for his glory, just as Jesus did. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

29 September 2020

Son of God, Son of Man

The thought of God becoming man, might be difficult to understand, but God's wisdom is far beyond human understanding and his ways are definitely not our ways. Yet to bridge this gap God sent his only son Jesus - the word incarnate in human flesh. And it is through Jesus that God experiences every single emotion, thought and need that we as humans experience. The angels in heaven are in the presence of God, but how fortunate are we humans, we have the privilege to be in communion with him!

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to receive his holy word made flesh in Christ Jesus his son. May you often participate in joyful reception of his body and blood, soul and divinity through the sacrements bestowed by his church. And may his Holy Spirit always lead you to the path of truth. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

28 September 2020

Acceptance of All

Division is man made and does not come from God. We have a moral responsibility in exercising the truth and wisdom imparted by Jesus. Now there might be a tendency to feel set apart when you belong to Christ, which is normal. But, just because some of us have come to this experience it doesn't mean that all others who don't, have nothing to do with God. The message of Salvation is for all; priest, pastor, parishioners, church members, people of every denomination, race, ethnicity and even religion. Let us then, who have come to the knowledge of this truth be like little children and be accepting of one another. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always look at those around you with eyes of love and acceptance. May you emulate Jesus by doing the very things he did, thus bringing glory to God through your endeavours. And may his Holy Spirit encourage you to always walk in the truth and wisdom of God. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

27 September 2020

The Gift of Free Will

The gift of free will that we have received is something that we need to comprehend and contemplate about. God is good, all loving and supreme Authority over all of creation. Yet he hasn't enforced his way on us. Do we recognise this gift that we have received? And what have we made of this gift? Are the doors of our heart open to change our ways to God's ways? Are we willing to walk in the truth and light of Christ? Let us on this day take a deep look within and ask God to reveal areas in our life that need to change. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. May you joyfully and willingly submit to his Holy Spirit who will lead you to your God given purpose for your life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

Christian perspective of Pain and Suffering

Today's Gospel gives us a keen insight on the Christian perspective of pain and suffering. Jesus is now so popular he'd get a tick on all his social media accounts with umpteen number of followers, yet when he is there at the top, he chose to reveal that he has to suffer and go through pain. Like the disciples, we get lost when pain and suffering come our way. Know that God desires our good, and though he may allow pain and suffering at certain times, it is for us to see his power. Jesus suffered and died but on the third day he rose again conquering death itself. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to go through every trail in your life in the hope that was established by his son Jesus, by rising from the dead. May his Holy Spirit bless you with courage, wisdom and understanding to face every situation with God's peace in your heart. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

25 September 2020

God's perfect timing!!!

Each of us grows up from our own experiences and from them we form our perspectives for life.  but these are our ways and not God's, for his thoughts and ways are unlike ours. Know that
God's timing is perfect, it's never early or late. It takes a whole lot of patience and a little bit of faith. And no matter how long it takes, it's always worth the wait. For in his time, he makes all things beautiful.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to trust his timing for your life. May you be like Jesus trusting Gods plan and purpose for your life. And may his Holy Spirit help you see that what is set out through eternity. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

24 September 2020

Finding Fullness

The waters of the rivers and seas are doing the thing, they've been set out with, and we too as human beings live our life in a set motion, day in and day out. And just like the waters of the seas we find ourselves still thirsting for more. Know that each one of us is uniquely created for God's purposes, and the only fulfillment we'd ever find, is in him. Which means that, whatever we do, we gotta have God involved in it, only then will we find meaning and fullness. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to put him first in your life, may you emulate his son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour in doing the things that please God. And may his Holy Spirit always go before you to lead you to his ways. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

23 September 2020

Keep the Balance right

Extremes are always dangerous, and the right path is balance. But for some reason we seem to have lost that sense, look around and take a close look at the polarization that's happening in our world today. Extremes in wealth and destitution can take us away from God, we have to be careful with the path we thread knowing fully that eventually neither of it will matter. What will really matter though is how close to God we were on our journey. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to be content in life with all his providence. May you live each day like Jesus Christ his son bringing glory and honour to the Father in whatever you do. And may his Holy Spirit bless and keep you in good stead. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)