30 September 2020

Putting God First

Three different scenarios are presented in today's gospel to which Jesus replies accordingly. However, the core context is to always put God first, irrespective of our personal circumstance. God is more interested in our character rather than comfort which is why Jesus says he doesn't have a place to lie down, how much are we willingly to trust his providence? And so it is with those that have gone before us, Jesus knows the pain of death for he wept for Lazarus, but he wants us to know that he has conquered death itself and we have the hope of resurrection. The same with our past; it is where it rightfully belongs in the past. Once we embrace the new life in Christ, we cannot keep looking back. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always trust his ways as you out him first. May all you do, be for his glory, just as Jesus did. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

29 September 2020

Son of God, Son of Man

The thought of God becoming man, might be difficult to understand, but God's wisdom is far beyond human understanding and his ways are definitely not our ways. Yet to bridge this gap God sent his only son Jesus - the word incarnate in human flesh. And it is through Jesus that God experiences every single emotion, thought and need that we as humans experience. The angels in heaven are in the presence of God, but how fortunate are we humans, we have the privilege to be in communion with him!

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to receive his holy word made flesh in Christ Jesus his son. May you often participate in joyful reception of his body and blood, soul and divinity through the sacrements bestowed by his church. And may his Holy Spirit always lead you to the path of truth. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

28 September 2020

Acceptance of All

Division is man made and does not come from God. We have a moral responsibility in exercising the truth and wisdom imparted by Jesus. Now there might be a tendency to feel set apart when you belong to Christ, which is normal. But, just because some of us have come to this experience it doesn't mean that all others who don't, have nothing to do with God. The message of Salvation is for all; priest, pastor, parishioners, church members, people of every denomination, race, ethnicity and even religion. Let us then, who have come to the knowledge of this truth be like little children and be accepting of one another. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always look at those around you with eyes of love and acceptance. May you emulate Jesus by doing the very things he did, thus bringing glory to God through your endeavours. And may his Holy Spirit encourage you to always walk in the truth and wisdom of God. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

27 September 2020

The Gift of Free Will

The gift of free will that we have received is something that we need to comprehend and contemplate about. God is good, all loving and supreme Authority over all of creation. Yet he hasn't enforced his way on us. Do we recognise this gift that we have received? And what have we made of this gift? Are the doors of our heart open to change our ways to God's ways? Are we willing to walk in the truth and light of Christ? Let us on this day take a deep look within and ask God to reveal areas in our life that need to change. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. May you joyfully and willingly submit to his Holy Spirit who will lead you to your God given purpose for your life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

Christian perspective of Pain and Suffering

Today's Gospel gives us a keen insight on the Christian perspective of pain and suffering. Jesus is now so popular he'd get a tick on all his social media accounts with umpteen number of followers, yet when he is there at the top, he chose to reveal that he has to suffer and go through pain. Like the disciples, we get lost when pain and suffering come our way. Know that God desires our good, and though he may allow pain and suffering at certain times, it is for us to see his power. Jesus suffered and died but on the third day he rose again conquering death itself. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to go through every trail in your life in the hope that was established by his son Jesus, by rising from the dead. May his Holy Spirit bless you with courage, wisdom and understanding to face every situation with God's peace in your heart. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

25 September 2020

God's perfect timing!!!

Each of us grows up from our own experiences and from them we form our perspectives for life.  but these are our ways and not God's, for his thoughts and ways are unlike ours. Know that
God's timing is perfect, it's never early or late. It takes a whole lot of patience and a little bit of faith. And no matter how long it takes, it's always worth the wait. For in his time, he makes all things beautiful.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to trust his timing for your life. May you be like Jesus trusting Gods plan and purpose for your life. And may his Holy Spirit help you see that what is set out through eternity. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

24 September 2020

Finding Fullness

The waters of the rivers and seas are doing the thing, they've been set out with, and we too as human beings live our life in a set motion, day in and day out. And just like the waters of the seas we find ourselves still thirsting for more. Know that each one of us is uniquely created for God's purposes, and the only fulfillment we'd ever find, is in him. Which means that, whatever we do, we gotta have God involved in it, only then will we find meaning and fullness. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to put him first in your life, may you emulate his son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour in doing the things that please God. And may his Holy Spirit always go before you to lead you to his ways. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

23 September 2020

Keep the Balance right

Extremes are always dangerous, and the right path is balance. But for some reason we seem to have lost that sense, look around and take a close look at the polarization that's happening in our world today. Extremes in wealth and destitution can take us away from God, we have to be careful with the path we thread knowing fully that eventually neither of it will matter. What will really matter though is how close to God we were on our journey. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to be content in life with all his providence. May you live each day like Jesus Christ his son bringing glory and honour to the Father in whatever you do. And may his Holy Spirit bless and keep you in good stead. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

22 September 2020

Doers of the Word

Our preoccupation with worldly possessions are often catalysts to us not acting on the word of God. And Jesus shows us the utmost importance of the being his disciple. There is no disrespect to the relationships he has, he is only teaching us with examples, so we follow suit. As Christians we called to be doers of the word and it is only when we act on God's word, we are doing his will. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his word, made flesh in Christ Jesus his son. May you always do everything for the glory of God as you are led by his Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

21 September 2020

Respond to Jesus's call

Jesus puts this invitation to each one of us and we are called to take action just as Matthew did. He got up and followed Jesus. Although getting up seems a simple action, it denotes an affirmative action on Matthew's part, he gets from his table which is his old life, and in doing so he is renouncing it. If we want to follow Jesus, we got let go of our past, we've got to allow him to transform us, only then will we see the glory of walking in the truth and the light. How then are we going to respond to Jesus's call?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to the invitation of his son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. May you respond in complete submission to his Holy Spirit as you are led in the truth and light. Amen    

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

20 September 2020

God's Ways

When we find ourselves in a particular situation or unfamiliar circumstances we have a limited view of what's happening as we are in the present. But God is beyond time and hence not only sees our present, he knows our past and can see our future. We might not be able to see anything in the future, but from where we are today, looking back we can surely see God's hand in our lives as we connect the dots. This year has been a challenge to many of us, but know that in all things God is in control. It's just that his ways are not like ours. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to trust him in all circumstances knowing that he is your father and knows what's best for you. May you dwell in his word, incarnate in the person of Jesus as you walk in his ways. And may his Holy Spirit help you see God's magnificent presence in your life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

19 September 2020

The Onus of Change

The onus of change is on us individually and not on anyone else, which is why the word of God insists that we persist until we bear good fruit. And how does that happen? Our persistence in the truth will only fructify when we allow our selves and are hearts to be malleable. Know that God is at work in us through his spirit and his word; our first reaction to change is resistance but if we want to be God's masterpiece we must go through every season of change. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to look within and identify what needs to be changed. May you encounter Jesus through the word of God as you willfully dwell in it. And may his Holy Spirit lead you to the path of righteousness as you bear good fruit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

18 September 2020

A call to Stewardship

Today's Gospel is a reminder to us about our call and purpose to serve in the building of the Kingdom of God. And this call to stewardship isn't limited either by gender or societal status. Each one of us are uniquely created and we have our own offerings to give; be it our time, knowledge or our resources. Know that, what you have; is ultimately given to you by God and when you use it for the purpose of his kingdom; you are being a good and faithful steward.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart in love and generosity to build his kingdom. May you faithfully follow in the path of Jesus, sharing the good news of salvation. And may his Holy Spirit teach you see the world with compassion and empathy. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

17 September 2020

Looking Within

When people express their faith either through their piety or other actions we at times judge them on being obsessed with religion. But Jesus gives us an understanding of people and the question that arises is; how much of an introspection have we done of our own lives? And how grateful are we to God for sending his only son for the forgiveness of our sins? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to look within yourself and always seek to be more like Jesus Christ who at all times pleased God. And may his Holy Spirit bless you and all your endeavours. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

16 September 2020

To Know God is to know Love

The words of St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians is very straight forward, as he preaches the Gospel of Love, if he doesn't practice it, what is the point of all the preaching? If we have a God given gift to build his kingdom, but we don't have love as our foundation, then we are nothing but noisy gongs. To know God is to know love. That is why Jesus affirms, "Not all who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of God" 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his unconditional love as you accept Jesus Christ his son as your Lord and Saviour. May his sacrifice on the cross transform your life as you reach out to his people in love, led by his Holy Spirit. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

15 September 2020

Mary our Mother!!!

One greatest gifts we have received from God is the gift of a mother. Come to think of it as kids or even as grown ups; it's mom who has all the answers.  No one ever loved Mary more than Jesus, and he knew that she was the best gift he could give us. And so he did, in instructing the disciple, He instructs us; 'She is your mother' And as always Mary even though she is was in pain seeing her son suffer, she is obedient to God. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always seek his will and do everything that pleases him. May you walk in the light and path of Jesus Christ his son. And may every step you take be led by his Holy Spirit. Amen

On the memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows, wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Feast!!! God Bless you'll :)

14 September 2020

The Cross: Our sign of Victory, Hope & Love

The Christian view of life has always been unique, not popular and liberal from the worldly standards we have set for ourselves but set in truth and love. As Christ was exalted on the cross, He saw us as children of his Father which is the truth that will never change, and he loved us so much that he willingly embraced his death on the cross. As Christians we have our mandate in the sign of the cross as it will always be a sign of Victory, Hope & Love. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to look at the world just as he does with love and compassion. May you emulate Jesus Christ his son in willingly taking up your cross each day as you fulfill your purpose and mission. And may you always be guarded and guided by his Holy Spirit. Amen 

Wishing you and you loved ones a very Happy Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross!!! God Bless you!!!

13 September 2020

Called to Forgive

Today Readings and Gospel focus on one of the most important Christian virtues that we are called to imbibe; Forgiveness. Not once or twice but as many times, Why? because this is what God desires. At the cross Jesus showed us the way by praying for the forgiveness of those who did crucified him. Now, we weren't present there, but it is our sins that put him on the cross and if he has forgiven us, how can we not forgive those, who do us wrong. The next we pray the lord pray let's us pause and remember to forgive those who have trespassed against us as we assure the Lord of forgiving them. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to forgive those who do you wrong just as Jesus Christ his son did when on the cross, may you emulate his compassionate ways and as you do so may you be blessed by his Holy Spirit with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :) 

12 September 2020

Renew Inside Out

The human race collectively goes through something called a facade syndrome, we tend to put on masks of different persona we have with different people, perhaps that is a personal thing and there is no judgement on it. However, when it comes to God we are all called to come as we are; bare, for God knows us inside out. We cannot say Lord Lord on our lips and yet have grudges and unforgiveness in our hearts for then we become a bad tree within and how can a bad tree bare good fruit? Jesus speaks straight to our hearts, Listen! 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to renounce your old ways as you accept Jesus Christ his son as your Lord and Saviour. May you walk in his light and truth as you bare good fruit led by His Holy Spirit. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

11 September 2020

Do Not Judge

Our very first reaction to someone is to judge them on how they appear or what we might have heard about them. But Jesus's teaching about this is very clear, the imagery that he paints should give us enough to look within ourselves, before we're judgemental. Perhaps as an exercise what we can do is look within ourselves when we find someone irritating or if we perceive something about some. In the findings of Carl Jung, it will gives us a better understanding of ourselves. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to examine your conscience daily so as be aware of every imperfection, may you offer these to Jesus who takes it all on himself at the cross making a new creation. And may his Holy Spirit help you see the world through the eyes of God, for God is Love. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

10 September 2020

Living through God's ways

We are often met with disappointments especially when dealing with others, and most likely it is because our expectations weren't met. But how often do we contemplate on how many people have we disappointed or let down? The word of God shows us the way to life that is fullfilling and when live  in accordance with God's word, the world becomes a better place to live in.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to live as he has instructed through his word. May Jesus be your source of strength and inspiration to live a holy life and may his Holy Spirit bless and lead you in all our endeavours. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

09 September 2020

Jesus Our Hope

In today's Gospel Jesus speaks to us directly, enkindling Hope. You might be going through a circumstance that perhaps no one else understands, or you might be struggling with the current situation in your life. Whatever it maybe, know that God is in control and our Hope comes for Jesus to whom all authority under heaven and earth has been given. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to trust his word, made flesh in the person of Jesus Christ his son. May you continue to trust him as you walk in Hope. And may his Holy Spirit help you see the things through your eyes of faith. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

08 September 2020

Mary, Most Highly Favoured One!

A very integral part of scripture, Mary's being was prophesied much before her time and through her came the promised Messiah. Espoused by the Holy Spirit she conceived and gave birth to Jesus. If we worship Jesus as God and believe that he was born of the virgin, then in the same light Mary becomes the Mother of God. Are we giving her the honour and veneration she ought to have? Know that while everyone else deserted Jesus she stood by the cross and at all times she also stand by us, for she is a mother. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to accept his truth laid out since the beginning of time. May you always hold high respect and admiration for Mary just as Jesus did and may his Holy Spirit bless and keep you. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

07 September 2020

The Morality of doing Good

There are times in our daily Christian life when we are faced with similar situations/circumstances that question the moral ground of doing something? The answer would be as Jesus has shown us; It might be in contrast to the old ways of regulation, but cannot be immoral we can do what is true and good, for we are called to be disciples of Christ. Let us not get stuck in the legality of our moral compass, know that God sees and weighs the intention of every action rather than the action itself.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to always do what is good, true and pleasing to him. May you emulate Jesus Christ his son in doing all things for the Glory of God and may his Holy Spirit guide your path to Holiness. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

06 September 2020

The Power of Family Prayer

There is so much power in family prayer that God himself has revealed to us that when we gather together to pray, He is in the midst of us. Yet with each passing day we make time for everything else, while missing out on family prayer. The busyness of our lives are only an excuse to what we want to console ourselves with. When we prioritise what is really matters we will put God first. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to prioritise your life based on his commandments willingly and in love. May Jesus Christ his son be your source of inspiration and hope to pursue the path of your faith. And may you experience God's presence through his Holy Spirit as you gather together to pray. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

05 September 2020

Jesus: The Best Teacher

The best teachers show us the direction we ought see in but don't reveal what we need too. For it is our curiosity and drive that will helps us learn. The Pharisees were never open to new ways that Jesus intended for them to see, they were stuck with their own understanding of Law. And so are we; as we have made religion about do's and don'ts. Christ came to show us God's goodness and he did that to the very end. Do we emulate him in our everyday actions with the intention of always doing good? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to see the world through the eyes of his son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. May everything you do be for the greater glory of God as your are led by his Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

04 September 2020

Internalising Religion

The word religion makes us uncomfortable, as it comes down to our understanding of what religious practice is. However, what Jesus said 2000 years ago is so relevant today. The whole purpose fasting is to internalise and put into practice that we are more than our human instincts. And collectively when we practice it, we are united in our belief. But for many there practices and teachings they find difficult to accept simply because it has been done in a particular way. When one is used to old wine, new wine will never be appreciated. Jesus is the new wine, and teaches us that the practice of religion begins within first and then it culminates externally as community.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to accept the teachings of his son Jesus Christ in humility and reverence. And as you do so may your life be transformed as you become a true disciple led by his Holy Spirit. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

03 September 2020

Foolishness of Human Wisdom

Have you received a suprise blessing in terms of finance or at your job or in your relationships? The first thing we do is attribute it to being lucky! Well, such is the wisdom of the world and that is why the world's wisdom is foolishness to God. Everything good comes from God and it comes to fulfill his purpose. Peter knew this and therefore asked Jesus to leave him for he was a sinner. Know that Christ came for us sinners and it is by his blood that we are redeemed. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to recognise your need for salvation and may your life reflect gratitude to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our lord and saviour. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with humility, sincereity and wisdom. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

02 September 2020

Spiritual Growth

We all journey on this earth for a purpose; to know God, love him and serve him willingly. But we are so caught up with matters of the flesh, that spirituality only  becomes an escape route. As baptised Christians we share the same spirit of God for we are marked and chosen by him. You may be struggling with your prayer life, finances or even relationships, but know that you are not in the same place where you were once upon a time. For he who began the good work in you will bring it to completion in Jesus Christ. All you need to do is willingly surrender. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to willingly surrender to the plans he has for your life. May you emulate Jesus in being obedient to the father's will and may his Holy Spirit bless  you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding of your calling. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

01 September 2020

Our Spiritual Journey

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, yet when we read his Holy word, are we amazed at how it tugs at our heart or is it simply a reference to a moral code of conduct? The understanding of our journey here on earth will only come when we walk in our spiritual path rather than the earthly one, for we have been baptized in Christ and we have the spirit of God; when we submit to him wholly, he will yield and make us whole. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to submit to his word that comes with all authority in the person of Jesus Christ his son, as you encounter him may you be amazed and touched by his love. And may his Holy Spirit guide every step you take. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)