31 July 2020

It's about Faith

And so they rejected him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is respected everywhere except in his home town and by his own family.”  Because they did not have faith, he did not perform many miracles there.
Matthew 13:57‭-‬58 GNBDK

God uses each one of us for his purposes and that is perhaps one of the mysterious ways he works. Yet there are many are times we fail to see his hand through the various people he sends us in our lives. Each one of us baptised in Christ is a prophet and our lives should bare witness to our faith. And as in the case with Jesus, we shouldn't be too caught up about how we are to do; what God's wants to do, we just have to do what we ought to do, the rest is about the faith of the recipient. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to boldly bare witness to his word incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ his son. And may his Holy Spirit give you the words and wisdom to do what you ought too. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

30 July 2020

Being like Clay

“Haven't I the right to do with you people of Israel what the potter did with the clay? You are in my hands just like clay in the potter's hands.”
Jeremiah 18:6 GNBDK

“Also, the Kingdom of heaven is like this. Some fishermen throw their net out in the lake and catch all kinds of fish.  When the net is full, they pull it to shore and sit down to divide the fish: the good ones go into their buckets, the worthless ones are thrown away.”
Matthew 13:47‭-‬48 GNBDK

Our life on earth is a journey towards eternity; for this why we were created. The consequences of our choices will determine where we will spend our eternity. Life may seem unfair here on earth but if we submit ourselves to our maker, just like clay in the potters hands, He will turn us into a masterpiece fit for his kingdom. Are you willing to be moulded according to you maker then? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to submit to him as He shapes you to be like his son Jesus with whom he is well pleased. May you renew your mind as you dwell in his word and may his Holy Spirit be your good counsel in all your decisions. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

29 July 2020

Turn to the Lord with a Contrite Heart

Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable?Therefore this is what the Lord says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me”
Jeremiah 15:18‭a-‬19a NIV

It is sin that brings along with itself the brokenness and pain, and we must realize that when we sin, it is we who go away from God. But God's ways aren't like us, and he beckons to come to him. However, before we return, we must repent and be sorry for what we have done. We must let go of the very sin we had held on to, like the prodigal son, we must come to our senses. Then, when we approach God, he will see us at a distance and come running to hold us in his arms. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to repent with a humble and contrite heart. May you seek consolation in his word made flesh in Christ Jesus his son. And may you always be led by his Holy Spirit. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

28 July 2020

Be Cautious

"The Son of Man will send out his angels to gather up out of his Kingdom all those who cause people to sin and all others who do evil things, and they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where they will cry and grind their teeth."
Matthew 13:41‭-‬42 GNBDK

It doesn't matter how the world defines what sin is, sin is a reality that takes us away from God. Deep within each one of us is embedded a moral compass that tells us the difference between right and wrong. But only if we pay heed to that voice within, will we be able to tell the difference. A good practice we can incorporate in our lives is the daily examination of conscience. Before you sleep go through your day; give thanks for the good and be sorry for things not done right. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his word incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ his son. And may his Holy Spirit help you discern your ways in accordance to God's ways. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

27 July 2020

God wants us to Obey

Thus says the Lord, "these evil people have refused to obey me. They have been as stubborn and wicked as ever, and have worshipped and served other gods. So then, they will become like these shorts that are no longer any good."
Jeremiah 13:10 GNBDK

It was Adams disobedience that brought sin into world and it was Jesus who willingly obeyed the Father to take away the sins of the world. God doesn't want anything from us but our willing obedience, that yes, wholeheartedly. But how many times we get caught up in the web of our own thinking. You can run from pillar to post and say a million prayers; but if your not obedient, then you ought to pay heed the what Jesus says, "Not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of God."

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to willingly say yes to him as you emulate Jesus Christ his son in obedience to his his word. And may his Holy Spirit  bless you with wisdom and understanding to God's word. Amen.

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

26 July 2020

Choosing God

We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 GNBDK

Each one of us has been called to a God given purpose, however not everyone of us is aware and some aren't even willing to be aware of this. The reality of this world, along with our free will has given us a notion that life is temporary. But the truth is we were created for eternity, and when we understand this; we'll make better choices. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to understand that you are his creation. May Jesus Christ his son, be a source of inspiration; so that you lead your life with a sense of purpose. And may his Holy Spirit Bless you with courage, wisdom and understanding. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

25 July 2020

Call to Holiness

So Jesus called them all together and said, “You know that the rulers of the heathen have power over them, and the leaders have complete authority. This, however, is not the way it shall be among you. If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest”
Matthew 20:25‭-‬26‭, ‬28 GNBDK

Simple, concise and clear instructions from Jesus, 'This, however, is not the way it shall be among you.' The essence of stewardship is the virtue of humility and selflessness, and that is what Jesus is calling us to. While the world today boast of its ego, taking pride in doing things on their own, and success is measure by numbers and not values. It is imperative that we understand our call to Holiness and what is implies. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to understand his word incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ. As you dwell in his word, may his Holy Spirit gladen your heart with joys of revelation of God's plan and purpose for your life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

24 July 2020

God beckons us

“Unfaithful people, come back; you belong to me. I will take one of you from each town and two from each clan, and I will bring you back to Mount Zion. Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.” 
Jeremiah 3:14-15

The truth about God's love is that it is constant, it doesn't waver and though we walk away from him through our sin, he beckons us to return. And not just that, God understands our struggles and knows our weaknesses and therefore brings along people that will direct and guide us to him. So that one day we too can do the same as we become God's instruments of love. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to respond to his call. May you acknowledge Jesus Christ his son as your Lord and Saviour and walk into the truth and may his Holy Spirit help you discern every step you take. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

23 July 2020

Open your Heart to God

Then the disciples came to Jesus and asked him, “Why do you use parables when you talk to the people?” Jesus answered, “The knowledge about the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. The reason I use parables in talking to them is that they look, but do not see, and they listen, but do not hear or understand.”
Matthew 13:10‭-‬11‭, ‬13 GNBDK

There are times when we struggle with God's words and ways, perhaps it's because we have intellectualised the world around us. Now knowledge is not a bad thing, it is good; but we must be aware that it also gives us the fleeting sense of being godlike and knowing it all. The fruit from the tree was to give a sense of good and evil and make Adam and Eve like God, they fell for that temptation. We too follow suit, when instead of opening our hearts to God, we try to comprehend him and his ways through our intellect. Humility is the ground that breeds good faith, and it is unadulterated faith that helps us align with God and his ways. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open the door of your heart to Jesus Christ his son. May God's word renew your mind and heart to willingly yield unto him and may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

22 July 2020

Longing for God

I went wandering through the city, through its streets and alleys. I looked for the one I love. I looked, but couldn't find him.
Song of Songs 3:2 GNBDK

O God, you are my God, and I long for you. My whole being desires you; like a dry, worn-out, and waterless land, my soul is thirsty for you.
Psalms 63:1 GNBDK

“Woman, why are you crying?” Jesus asked her. “Who is it that you are looking for?” She thought he was the gardener, so she said to him, “If you took him away, sir, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him.”
John 20:15 GNBDK

We can try everything in this world to fill that aching void within us; but nothing will, except that what it was made for. You are a marvel, a mystery created by God in his image and likeness for his glory and for eternity. And it is only in him that our hearts will find its true rest. But the question we need to ask ourselves is; Am I truly longing to encounter my creator, my saviour, and my God? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to seek him wholeheartedly and in all sincereity. As you dwell in his word may you encounter Jesus Christ his son, our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit help you see it all through the eyes of faith. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

21 July 2020

Doing the will of God

Jesus answered, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?  Whoever does what my Father in heaven wants him to do is my brother, my sister, and my mother.”
Matthew 12:48‭, ‬50 GNBDK

A very strong sentence by Jesus, asking the general public infront of his mother about who is she? Was Jesus being disrespectful, the answer is no, simply because he was teaching the people the only truth that will matter to them, i.e. doing the will of God. And if that's the kind of importance Jesus has placed on doing God's will, we need to ask ourselves, 'Are we doing what the father wants us to do? or are we simply pursuing our own?'

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to respond wholeheartedly to his will, may you find your purpose in the truth, the way and the life shown by Jesus his son. And may his Holy Spirit help you discern and bring to fruition the will of God for your life. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

20 July 2020

Do you need a sign?

Then some teachers of the Law and some Pharisees spoke up. “Teacher,” they said, “we want to see you perform a miracle.”
Matthew 12:38 GNBDK

There are times in our faith journey we'd like a lil assistance in the form of a sign from God in doing what's right, but there are some who want a sign to believe in the very existence of God. Take a very close look at your life from the time you came into the world to this very moment of reading this Reflection. God's presence has been there throughout, the question we need to ask is, 'how much have we acknowledged it?' God loves us far too much to enforce anything on us; he has given the ability and the free will to choose Him. Do you need a sign bigger than this? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to deepen your faith through the journey you've been through. May you take one day at a time just like Jesus did and do everything for the glory of God. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom, understand and gift of pure faith. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

19 July 2020

Praying in the Spirit

In the same way the Spirit also comes to help us, weak as we are. For we do not know how we ought to pray; the Spirit himself pleads with God for us in groans that words cannot express.
Romans 8:26 GNBDK

In our family of faith, there are who don't even understand the very concept of praying in the spirit. For a while now the laity has been shy from this form of prayer. But St. Paul tells us that there is power in praying in Spirit, for when we do so; the words we pray come from God to our spirit and our spirit expresses those words as pray to God. It may sound overwhelming, but this is the truth. And when we pray in the spirit, we open ourselves to the will of God in our lives. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to surrender wholeheartedly to him in prayer as you take time alone to pray just like Jesus did. As you go in to the inner room in total submission may his Holy Spirit bless you with the gift of praying in the Spirit. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

18 July 2020

Do as Jesus did!

Then the Pharisees left and made plans to kill Jesus.  When Jesus heard about the plot against him, he went away from that place; and large crowds followed him. He healed all those who were ill.
Matthew 12:14‭-‬15 GNBDK

The divinity and humanity of Jesus is so evident and through his life he shows a way of living. How many times do thoughts and worries of this world take away our happiness? And how many times when we find ourselves in difficult situations we stop thinking rationally. When Jesus became aware of the plot to kill him he withdrew from that place and moved to another to do what God willed for him. How would our life change, if we did what Jesus did every time we worried or found ourselves in difficult situations?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to walk in truth and the path shown by his son Jesus Christ. And may his Holy Spirit gaurd and guide your steps as you walk through the narrow gate. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

17 July 2020

Mercy, not Sacrifice...

"If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent."
Matthew 12:7 NIV

It is so easy to condemn someone for their wrong doing, yet so difficult to encourage someone to get up. Perhaps life struggles entangle us so much that our focus remains on the problem rather than on the Hope that comes for Christ. As you go through your day today pay attention to your thoughts and actions. And ask ourselves 'what would Jesus do?'

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to embrace his love, poured out to you unconditionally. May you be covered and protected by the most Holy and Precious blood of his son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit lead you to an understanding of God's ways. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

16 July 2020

True Rest

"Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28 GNBDK

Would there ever be a better time that these words from Jesus would appeal to us more than now? Other than God, it is only ourselves who know what we're going through internally. At times we may find it difficult to express, but in all things we ought to know that Jesus loves us far beyond our expectations, cares for us with all sincereity and has only love, peace, joy and rest to offer; what are we going to choose then?  

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his word, incarnate in Jesus Christ his son. As you dwell in God's word, may you find that peace, joy and love that the world cannot give nor take away. And may his Holy Spirit always be by your side. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

15 July 2020

Being Childlike!!!

"At that time Jesus said, "Father, Lord of heaven and earth! I thank you because you have shown to the unlearned what you have hidden from the wise and learned."
Matthew 11:25 GNBDK

While we may all think we know God and perhaps understand him. The reality can be far from it, for Gods ways are not our ways. Think about it, although Jesus spoke to the people in parables, he always explained them to his disciples and why would he do so? God works in mysterious ways and to experience this mystery we must be childlike; always open and trusting. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to trust his plan for you. May you emulate his son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, in doing the things that are pleasing to God and may you always be led by his Holy Spirit. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

14 July 2020

Wake Up

The people in the towns where Jesus had performed most of his miracles did not turn from their sins, so he reproached those towns. "I assure you that on the Judgement Day God will show more mercy to the people of Tyre and Sidon than to you!"
Matthew 11:20‭, ‬22 GNBDK

Some very strong words coming from Jesus, and rightly so. Sometimes we do need a little push to wake us up from our slumber. Far too long we've taken God's mercy and grace for granted, despite the fact he has answered our prayers, we still go back to our old ways. Let us introspect today as we contemplate on Jesus words and  and ask of his grace to change our hearts. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to renew your heart to his ways in obedience just like Jesus his son did. May you put God first in all your endeavours and decisions as you are led by his Holy Spirit. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

13 July 2020

God's Truth of Peace

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the world. No, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Your worst enemies will be the members of your own family."
Matthew 10:34‭, ‬36 GNBDK

Why would Jesus contradict his message of Peace? Well let's take a closer look at our Faith journey, at one point we didn't understand authority, and at the other we had our own perspective on matters concerning our faith. But in reality, the truth never changed whereas our perspective surely did. And like us there many who are on their own journey of seeking the truth. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his word as you dwell in it with all sincereity. May Jesus the word incarnate manifest your endeavour to the knowledge of his truth. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom and understanding to God's revelational gifts. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

12 July 2020

The Word of God!!

"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11 NIV

"And some seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."
Matthew 13:8 NIV

The word of God is the seed and our hearts the soil. The word of God is powerful and creative; and can do the impossible. But God doesn't enforce his word on us, He has let us be and has given us the ability to choose, how to then do we tend to the soil of our hearts? Are we caught up chasing illusions or are we bogged down by the cares of the world? Let us look within today and tend the soil of our hearts.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his word, incarnate in the person of Jesus. And as you do so may his you bear the fruits and gifts of his Holy Spirit. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

11 July 2020

Bearing Witness

"So do not be afraid of people. Whatever is now covered up will be uncovered, and every secret will be made known."
Matthew 10:26 GNBDK

God reveals himself to us in mysterious ways, yet how many times do we have the courage to acknowledge him and his blessings. We have made faith a private matter, yet everything else has become public. Jesus encourages us to share our learnings and blessings as a testimony to his works, so that his light may dispel the darkness to those that blinded in their faith. Are you willing then, to do what Christ asks of you?

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to share with all those you encounter this day and always; the hope of salvation that comes from Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit bless you with wisdom, courage, discernment and understanding. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

10 July 2020

A invitation to Love

May those who are wise understand what is written here, and may they take it to heart. The LORD 's ways are right, and righteous people live by following them, but sinners stumble and fall because they ignore them.
Hosea 14:9 GNBDK

God's ways are not our ways and how rightly so. We often look at the world with our own perception of what we think it is. But the truth can be far different. And this truth is found in and through Jesus. You might have been on a very different path of life. But right now God is inviting you to change, no matter what the past entails; God is calling you to his Love. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to respond to his call of love. May you open the door of your heart to his son Jesus our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit transform your life as you walk in the truth and light of God. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

09 July 2020

God's Call to Holiness

"If the people in that house welcome you, let your greeting of peace remain; but if they do not welcome you, then take back your greeting. And if some home or town will not welcome you or listen to you, then leave that place and shake the dust off your feet. I assure you that on the Judgement Day God will show more mercy to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah than to the people of that town!"
Matthew 10:13‭-‬15 GNBDK

God is Love and God is Merciful, yet as human beings we have a tendency to take things for granted. But Jesus warns of the consequences of disobedience, therefore let us ask for him to help us in our daily struggle and respond to his call of Holiness. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to respond to his call, as you emulate Jesus Christ in being obedient. And may his Holy Spirit help you discern the choices you make in life. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

08 July 2020

God's Peace

Instead, you are to go to the lost sheep of the people of Israel. Go and preach, ‘The Kingdom of heaven is near!’
Matthew 10:6‭-‬7 GNBDK

The good shepherd cared about his flock, and hence made told his apostles to reach out to them. Similarly, God meets us in our own circumstances, He reaches out to us, through his instruments. And you know that, because you experience a peace that comes from God alone and no one can else can give you that.

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to remain in his love as you experience his peace and joy through his word, incarnate in Jesus Christ his son. May his Holy Spirit help you discern the path you take in experiencing this peace. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

06 July 2020

Faith and Miracles

She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will get well.” Jesus turned round and saw her, and said, “Courage, my daughter! Your faith has made you well.” At that very moment the woman became well.
Matthew 9:21‭-‬22 GNBDK

Many times we are expecting miracles in our lives with loud manifestations. But God works in mysterious ways, and all one needs is faith the size of a mustard seed; through which, God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. Look at your life, it is a every day miracle. Do you have the faith that sees it as a miracle? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to trust his word. May you emulate Jesus his son, in trusting the Father at all times and in all circumstances. And may his Holy Spirit reveal to you the everyday miracles in your life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

05 July 2020

Finding True Rest

“Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest.”
Matthew 11:28‭-‬29 GNBDK

The richness of these words of Jesus is best experienced! Have you seen a toddler play in the park, or a baby in her mother's arms? They are oblivious to cares and worries of this world. For they are already experiencing the rest they find in their earthly co-creators chosen by God. How much more should we trust our Father in Heaven who not only gave us the gift of life, but sent his only son so that we can have Eternal life! Are we seeking our rest in people, places and things or are we turning to Jesus? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to trust his word, incarnate in the person of Jesus who is the truth, the way and the life. And may his Holy Spirit always convict and convince you, in all the choices you make. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

04 July 2020

Our Spiritual Journey

Then the followers of John the Baptist came to Jesus, asking, “Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples don't fast at all?” Jesus answered,No one pours new wine into used wineskins, for the skins will burst, the wine will pour out, and the skins will be ruined. Instead, new wine is poured into fresh wineskins, and both will keep in good condition.”
Matthew 9:14‭, ‬17 GNBDK

Our rigidity hurdles our spiritual journey. We are all called to be obedient; but if we stick to our ways, how can we adapt and understand God's ways? The Spirit is willing and the flesh is weak, but with God, all things are possible. Let us ask of him then, to pour out his Spirit in our renewed hearts. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his will. May you emulate Jesus Christ in being obedient and may his Holy Spirit lead you to God's ways in fulfilling his plan and purpose for your life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

03 July 2020

Adoring Christ

You, too, are built upon the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, the cornerstone being Christ Jesus himself.
Ephesians 2:20 GNBDK

Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!”
John 20:28 GNBDK

We seldom recognise the works God is doing in our lives. Yes we may work hard, yes we may do things ourselves. But behind every action is God's grace, for every good and perfect gift comes from above. How then can we acknowledge all that God decides to bless us with? We simply adore our Eucharistic lord saying, 'My Lord and My God'. 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to know who you are to him. As you come to the knowledge of God may you adore and worship him through his son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. And may his Holy Spirit always assure you of God's presence in your life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

02 July 2020

The Forgiveness of Sins

Jesus perceived what they were thinking, so he said, “Why are you thinking such evil things? I will prove to you, then, that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralysed man, “Get up, pick up your bed, and go home!”
Matthew 9:4‭, ‬6 GNBDK

Jesus is actions were often a teaching to those around him, and to us who dwell in his word. He makes it very clear that through Him, the Son of Man has been given the authority for forgiveness of sins here on earth. Do you believe that your sins are forgiven? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to repent for your sins. May you find forgiveness in his sacrament as you believe in the works established by Jesus and may his Holy Spirit bring to your mind all your thoughts words and all you done and failed to do in humility and contrition. Amen

God Bless you and your loved ones :)

01 July 2020

God's Ways

"What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you."
Psalms 50:16‭b-‬17 NIV

He said to them, “Go!” So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water. Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.
Matthew 8:32‭, ‬34 NIV

We all want God in our lives, but the problem is; we want God moulded and understood in our ways and not his. The moment we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory, we begin to doubt. But how can a plant grow if it is not pruned? or can a sculpture be shaped into perfection without chiseling? 

I pray that God our Father gives you the grace to open your heart to his ways. May you submit to his will just as Jesus Christ his son did and may his Holy Spirit help you understand God's ways, plans and purpose for your life. Amen 

God Bless you and your loved ones :)